I love to work with computer software and I have interest in programming since school days. I'm comfortable to work with Python and C++, and familiar with Java, C, C#
I'm an imaginative person, I always want to build and live in futuristic world. With the power of AI, my childhood imagination such as intelligence robot, sci-fi world could be realized
Working with image, video, color, and visual won't make me bored. I'm very interested to make computer smart enough to look at our world better than human perception
The only video streaming player for your Nintendo Switch™ apps
Artificial Inteligence and Computer Vision software for damaged highway surface detection
Panorama stitching of road surface images using various Computer Vision techniques
Appointed as Unity&Unreal team lead to manage projects, engineering team and multiple client communications for video streaming in metaverse.
I develop cross-platform SDK and Unity applications related to live audio-video streaming and software design for Android, Windows, WebGL, Xbox, PS5 and immersive (VR) devices.
I lead the porting project of the world's first streaming SDK for Nintendo platform which supports both Native and Unity and administer product delivery for Sony Pictures Television’s game.
I developed Computer Vision and AI Deep Learning software to detect damaged highway surface for smart highway maintenance (funded by Korea Expressway Corporation).
I worked with my Professor in Machine Learning and NLP fields to create an automatic program to extract the sentiment (neutral, positive, negative) and the purpose of citations in scientific paper.
I planned, developed, and designed a simple website for Sumitama Lubrindo Jaya oil company using HTML, Joomla and CSS.
I moved to Korea in 2014 and graduated from Kyungsung University with major in Computer Science and Engineering. Like usual CS student, I learned lots of programming language and other CS related subjects, and also Korean language.
I joined several communities, such as : Language Processing Lab, Indonesian Student Association in Campus and South Korea, Indonesian Catholic Community in Busan, etc. I also participated in many social events, for full detail visit Social Activities PDF file.
I joined Web Design and Web Development club and participated in many school events.
Photoshop, Photography
Part of Design Committee in several events and voluntary design request.
See Social Activities PDF file for more detail
Check my contributions on Github and Stackoverflow
Social Communities and Events Participation
Participated and elected as chairman and coordinator in some voluntary events and organization
See Social Activities PDF file for more detail